Sunday, August 20, 2006

Welcome to here...

(I just today updated this site by adding a link to Litter magazine. So much for updating. There is some new stuff at Stride too. I've been in China for a year teaching, and I'm going back there in a couple of days, and I can't access this from there, so while I'm here I've ..... are you still awake?)

What follows is what was here before I started fiddling......


I hate to write about myself. But here goes: I hope there is enough room.

I think my poems are sometimes acts of explicit design and at other times products of chance and a subconscious activity I rarely understand. More usually they come from somewhere between these polarities. When asked to explain my poems I usually resort to taking on a puzzled or pained expression, and say I can’t speak at the moment because I have to wash my hair. When I have to explain my poems because there is a gun at my head I admit they perhaps sum up my life, in part or in whole, which is either as it should be or very sad. And I have no idea if it’s true, to be honest. I don’t think about things like themes. Themes are for others to find, but if the poems are my life then that’s the theme, I suppose. Or one of them. If I understood it all I’d be very afraid, and I wouldn’t write poems.

Please click here to read my Autobiography.